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ORIGINAL PAINTING CREATED WITH OILS AND TEXTURE ON paper with a canvas-like texture 250gsm, sizeA3

Created by the artist Ursula Kaprawy


Trees have long been a source of inspiration for artists. They can evoke a primal sense of wonder and the strong patterns of their branches, bark and leaves consistently offer visually arresting subjects. This display explores the diverse representation of trees in photography, with works


For centuries, trees have evoked a primal sense of wonder. They are a source of life and wisdom and an enduring subject for artists, often standing as visual emblems for nature as a whole.


If we care for trees, these useful friends can continue to ensure our own survival, helping to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well our wellbeing, co-existing with us in both cities and countryside. Gathered together in their natural habitat of woods and forests, they also form communities.


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