All sales are final.
Unfortunately we cannot accept returns or exchanges for any of our products.
We try our best to accurately display and describe each and every crystal, artwork, and any others products through photos, or video and Live Streaming via Instagram. Clients understand the items may vary slightly due to the uniqueness of each stone, artwork and product and differences in device screen colouring.
Please note that in the nature of crystals, minerals, and artwork there are imperfections, which makes them unique, so please make sure you have understood the dimensions, shapes and properties prior to purchasing.
However, on the rare occasion that our customers receive a damaged item, within our guidelines, upon return, customers can expect a full refund. All queries will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
We will not refund any postage on a faulty item.
Items are classified as faulty if they are received damaged, and require photographic evidence within one week of purchase.
Please note that items that are damaged as a result of wear and tear are not considered to be faulty.
If a fault develops outside of the day return period, or the item is difficult to package and return, contact us by email at - before you return the item so we can discuss the fault with you and agree the best way forward. We cannot accept an item returned as faulty if the damage caused to the product is clearly due to wear and tear or misuse.
​That being said, we want all our crystals, artwork, prints and other products to be loved, and our clients happy. Please let us know if there is an issue.